Monday, March 9, 2015

What We Do in the Shadows

It took a Kickstarter campaign to bring the kiwi import What We Do in the Shadows to the States, but if the Sunday afternoon audience is any indication, the film should do quite well here. Written and directed by Jemaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords) and Taika Waititi, What We Do in the Shadows is a mockumentary on the life of four New Zealand vampire roommates -  which is every bit as hilarious and absurd as it sounds.

There's Viago (Waititi), the dandy vampire, more sensitive than his companions. Then there's Vladislav (Clement), whose reputation as a torturer is reflective of the dark place he was in, emotionally and mentally, when he was turned into a vampire. Deacon (Jonathan Brugh) sleeps like a bat in a closet, and Petyr (Ben Fransham), a Nosferatu-style vampire, lives mostly in his crypt of the basement. No one's done the dishes in five years, and getting ready to go out on the town is an ordeal - you try getting dressed without a reflection in the mirror. 

By paying homage to classic vampire movie characters, What We Do in the Shadows manages to avoid too much snark toward the current undead trend in media, though there are plenty of Twilight jokes. Especially fun are the appearances by Flight of the Conchords costar Rhys Darby as Anton, alpha male werewolf, trying to keep his pack in line. 

I don't want to say too much, or reveal too many of my favorite bits, but even for those who don't love movies or shows with vampires and zombies and werewolves (people like me), What We Do in the Shadows is a riot. I hope it becomes standard Halloween fare, as well. Catch it in cinemas while you can - and keep an eye out for it on Netflix. You'll be laughing in the shadows.

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